What helps ADHD?

What helps ADHD when we want to activate the body’s self-healing abilities? Well, one solution may be biofeedback therapy, which allows the unbalanced brainwaves of an individual with ADHD to return to a normal range of function. Research suggests that 3.5-4% of the adult population worldwide may have ADHD, with between 300-400,000 people in Hungary alone suffering from the condition.

The aim of ADHD treatment is to reduce the symptoms of ADHD, and fortunately, not only medication and/or psychotherapy, educational methods, but also biofeedback therapy can bring breakthrough success in the treatment of ADHD.

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affects 2-3% of adults and 5-8% of children in the UK. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, which stands for ADHD.

It is essentially a neurological disorder in ADHD, the leading symptoms of which include attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

There are several types, predominantly hyperactive ADHD, predominantly attention deficit ADHD and combined ADHD, where both leading symptoms are present.

What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?

Although the two disorders are similar in some respects, they are different in the presence of ADD and ADHD. In the attention deficit type of ADHD, the individual has difficulty concentrating, is less persistent in completing tasks, forgetful and distracted.

The hyperactive impulsive type is characterised by loudness, hyperactivity, tantrums, but both types may have poor working memory, fluctuating performance, learning difficulties, defiance, sleep disturbances, clumsiness.

A child with ADD has mainly attention deficit, with no or very little concentration. They are sensitive and need a lot of practice and learning to keep up with their peers at school.

Both are neuropsychiatric disorders that follow the individual throughout their life, affecting their thinking and behaviour.

It is very important to find an effective way of treating either ADHD or ADD that is the least stressful for the body and still achieves excellent results.

Biofeedback for ADHD, biofeedback for ADD is a therapeutic option without side effects that can significantly reduce ADHD symptoms by rebalancing brain waves, thus improving quality of life and adaptation to everyday challenges.

Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms of ADHD:

  • attention deficit
  • hyperactivity
  • impulsivity
  • forgetfulness
  • distractibility
  • difficulty concentrating
  • restlessness
  • learning disability

Experts have found that boys are more likely to be hyperactive and impulsive and girls more likely to have attention deficit disorder. Among the causes of ADHD, genetic factors, prematurity, environmental influences and head trauma also increase the chances of developing it.

Biofeedback therapy in the treatment of ADHD

Biofeedback therapies have been shown to be useful for a wide range of pre-existing medical conditions, physical or mental complaints, and are painless and without side effects.

Biofeedback therapies use QUEX ED or QUEX S biofeedback devices to train the brain, help balance abnormal brain waves and improve concentration.

During biofeedback therapy, the patient is connected to the biofeedback device, sensors are placed on the head and the patient is asked to perform playful tasks requiring concentration and brain power.

Lifestyle changes and ADHD

For people with ADHD, it is particularly important to have an established daily routine, which can help them to manage their time better and get in the mood for what they need to do.

Getting enough sleep is also essential, as the nervous system is more stressed when tired and sleep deprived.
Research has shown that reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet can also help to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.

Medications and alternative methods

There are usually two types of medication for ADHD, the most appropriate for the individual needs of the patient, the dosage of which is also the responsibility of the doctor.

Many people are reluctant to take regular medication, which is why they are looking for alternative methods of treating ADHD.

Biofeedback for ADHD, neurofeedback for ADHD, or even learning yoga, psychotherapy, concentration therapies can be effective stand-alone or complementary therapies depending on the severity of the symptoms. Reducing the symptoms of ADHD also requires certain lifestyle and dietary changes.

Tips and advice for managing ADHD

Nutrition also plays a major role in the treatment of ADHD. It is best to avoid fast food, sugary drinks, processed meat, crisps, fatty foods and red meat.

In the evening, before going to bed, children with ADHD should not watch TV or use tablets, as these stimuli are not good for the brain, and they need to be tuned to sleep.

Different forms of exercise, dance, aerobics, martial arts can all be useful for children with ADHD, depending on interest, age and gender.